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Quick Filter for Devices

On the Quick Filter for Devices page, you can create quick-filtered folders to organize devices based on specific properties.

  • This feature allows you to efficiently sort and manage both devices and files by applying various criteria, ensuring that items with particular attributes are easily accessible and well-categorized.


Add Quick Filter for devices


  • Name


  • Starting folder

    Folder selector

    Here you can select and manage the folders you wish to search for devices.


    Search in child folders as well

    Enabled by default. If you disable this option the search will not be recursive to sub-folders.

  • State

    Here, you can add additional filters to the devices, specifying whether they are offline, online, or include all statuses
  • Add filters

    Add new filter rule

    Here, you can select which device parameters should be checked for inclusion in the filter list.

      Working hours
      App version
      Emergency Status
      OS version
      License type
      Content type
      Firmware version
      Version state


    Add new filter

    By clicking the + button, you can add multiple filters. These can either serve as additional conditions or can be combined conditions.


    Evaluation type

      - Equals exactly
      - Contains



User interface

Page controller
On the right top corner of the Quick filter page you can

  • search by name
  • navigate to knowledge base

Page limit

  • Above the list on the left you can select under the Show ▿ button how many items you want to see inside the list.

Column settings (⚙️)

Here you can set the following columns

The bold columns are enabled by default

  • Name
  • Type
  • Search
  • Actions


The bold actions are enabled by default

  • Edit
    Here you can edit the quick filter details
  • Duplicate
    Here you can duplicate the quick filter. Enter a new name, modify if necessary then save.
  • Remove
    Here you can remove the quick filter.